Written and Illustrated by David McKee
Amazon Link: £4.07
To a whole generation of Dads (and mums) David McKee is already a hero because of the superb Mr Benn TV series and books. He's also the chap behind the multicoloured patchwork elephant Elmer, another particular favourite of Charlotte's. Here though, he tells the story of a bird who strives to show that he's more than just a rather plain and boring black bird.
McKee's gift of producing superb facial expressions for his characters (human or otherwise) never gets old or tired and this book may tread the well worn path of "ugly duckling to swan" but does it in an entirely contemporary and amusing way.
Charlotte's best bit: Toucan falling down the stairs with three full tins of paint.
Daddy's favourite bit: Trying to spot Mr Benn in the crowded "City Gent" scene.
Rating: 5 out of 5