Three Little Ghosties
Written by Pippa Goodhart
Illustrated by AnnaLaura Cantone
Amazon Link: £5.39
Published by Bloomsbury
This is a fantastic book with a superb bouncy almost sing-song poetical lilt. Reading this without almost singing the words is nigh on impossible, and if you're a fan of nonsense poetry then you'll love where this book is coming from.
Telling the tale of three little ghosties who love nothing better than haunting their fellow creepy ghoulies and monsters, AnnaLaura Cantone's accompanying artwork is superb, like a paper version of LittleBigPlanet.
There's even a ghostie mobile at the back of the book for your little ones to hang above their bed.
Charlotte's best bit: The Ogre who shouted for his mummy
Daddy's favourite bit: Love the artwork
Rating: 4 out of 5