We're very lucky to have some amazing people backing the #readitmummiesanddaddies2013 campaign. Elli Woollard, ace poet and all round Twitter Goddess penned us a poem for the campaign.
How brilliant is this!
Read me a story please, Daddy.
Read me a story please, Mum.
It’ll only take five or ten minutes.
So read me a story please – come!
It’ll take me away from this sofa.
It’ll take me away from TV.
Someone will knock, brrring, brrring, brrring, on the door,
And I’ll offer a tiger my tea.
Read me a story please, Mummy.
It’ll take me away from this chair.
I’ll stroll through the woods till I find a small house,
And eat porridge (just right!) with a bear.
Read me a story please, Daddy.
It’ll take me away from this room
I’ll go with my owl and my cat (she’s named Mog)
And I’ll fly through the sky on my broom.
Read me a story please, Mummy.
It’ll take me away from this house.
I’ll trick a fierce beast (and a fox, owl and snake).
Oh yes, everyone’s scared of a mouse!
Read me a story please, Daddy.
It’ll take me away from this town.
I’ll visit a factory where sweets scent the air,
And where rivers flow chocolatey brown.
Read me a story please, Daddy.
Read me a story Mum, do.
It’ll show me new worlds that lie far, far away,
But then bring me much closer to you.