Thursday 25 April 2013

Ballet Kitty - Ballet Class by Bernette Forde and Sam Williams (Boxer Books)

Time to go en pointe with Ballet Kitty as she joins her best friends Princess Pussycat and Ginger Tom for their very first ballet class.

Kitty and Princess deck themselves out in their best ballet outfits, but poor Ginger Tom doesn't have anything special to wear. He comes along in his PE Kit and big clumpy trainers!

For ballet-obsessed kids (like Charlotte) this is a great little story and a neat addition to the "Ballet Kitty" range of books that have become quite popular as a slightly less saccharine alternative to Angelina Ballerina.

The best bit about the book is that there's a boy in Ballet Class and Ginger Tom is as full of enthusiasm and energy, and wants to dance his heart out just like the girls do! Hooray!

Though Kitty and Princess don't really like Tom's approach, and his tendency to jazz up his moves with street-dance stuff, soon they realise that he is enjoying himself and he's as happy as - well a cat in a ballet class can be! That enthusiasm and energy rubs off and all three can't wait till their next class.

A great little story, fantastic illustrations and perfect for girls (or boys) who know their pas de deuxs from their Demi Detournees

Charlotte's best bit: Princess Pussycat (she is me!) and Ballet Kitty's lovely ballet outfits

Daddy's favourite bit: Great to see boys included in a ballet story. Nice one Bernette and Sam!