Tuesday 27 August 2013

Where's the Meerkat - Journey through Time by Paul Moran (Michael O'Mara Books)

The hardest people to buy presents for in our family are always the men. Some are gadget obsessed, some love birdwatching, some - well we just haven't got a clue where to start with them. Thanks to presentsformen.co.uk you can now solve all your men-present-buying problems in one convenient place!

Presents For Men kindly sent us a copy of "Where's the Meerkat? Journey through Time" by Paul Moran to review, which you can find on their books page (ahem, warning, fruity language on some of the book titles so be warned!)

Following in the footsteps of the hugely successful "Where's Wally?" books, "Where's the Meerkat?" takes the nation's new favourite animal (thanks to those CompareTheMarket ads) and places Meerkat and all his friends in historical settings. Can you pick out the meerkat pals and their animal friends amongst the morass of characters on each page spread?

We thoroughly enjoyed the book (Charlotte was extremely good ad picking out her favourite character, a rather groovy looking Meerkat princess). Spotting books are a great activity for both mums and dads to enjoy with their children, and it's worth taking a look on presents for men for more booky ideas.

Charlotte's best bit: Finding the meerkat princesses with her sharp little eyes!

Daddy's favourite bit: Great book for whiling away the hours (and testing your eyesight too!).

(Kindly sent to us for review by Presents for Men)