Thursday, 5 September 2013
Ambrose Goes for Gold by Tor Freeman (Macmillan Children's Books)
Olympic Mania may have come and gone, but kids love getting out into the fresh air and running, jumping, skipping and climbing. Bugs do too, and in "Ambrose Goes For Gold" we're special guests track-side as the Great Insect Games begin, and a young beetle sets out determinedly to win a medal.
Ambrose can run, but he's pipped at the line. Ambrose can jump but Grasshopper can jump further. Poor Ambrose dejectedly sees his medal hopes dashed, but perhaps there's something that Ambrose is better at than any other insect.
You'll have to read the book to find out what that special skill is. We've happily been on a voyage of discovery as we've found Tor Freeman's lovely books nestling in our local library (and we've also rather kindly been sent some for review too! Don't miss our reviews of "The Toucan Brothers" and "Olive and the Bad Mood")
Tor's expertise in producing utterly loveable animal and insect characters comes to the fore here in "Ambrose Goes for Gold". You can tell Tor had a lot of fun dreaming up weird and wonderful insect characters to populate this busy, active and beautiful book with.
So on your marks, get ready, set, CRAWL!
Charlotte's best bit: Ambrose's attempts to out-jump grasshopper. Poor Ambrose!
Daddy's Favourite bit: Fabulous insect characters, and I just love the way Tor captures expressions so marvellously!