How to Babysit a Grandad
Written by Jean Reagan
Illustrated by Lee Wildish
Published by Hodder Children's Books
As everyone knows, Grandads are fairly high maintenance and need a LOT of looking after. So it's a jolly good job that Charlotte is so brilliant at looking after hers. Now, armed with a whole book crammed with new tips and tricks thanks to Jean Reagan and Lee Wildish's "How To Babysit a Grandad", she'll be even more of an expert.
It is of course vitally important to assure Grandads that Mummy and Daddy WILL be back at the end of the day to pick up their little ones. (This obviously offsets any anxieties that the young tearaways might be staying for a sleepover).
Good nutrition is important too. Ice Cream and chips have their nutritional merits and can maintain good energy levels to see busy and hyperactive Grandads through a hectic day.
Role playing can add to a Grandad's nurturing environment, particularly when Grandad is dressed as Captain Hook or perhaps even a giant bunny.
This lovely book plays switch-a-roo with the child and the Grandad in such a charming and amusing style that Charlotte's face was a picture while this was being read to her. Being naturally bossy, she absolutely could not wait to try all these hints and tricks out on Grandad. As we'll be picking her up from Grandad and Grandma's house this evening, we bet Grandad will be really pleased this book dropped through the letterbox!
Charlotte's best bit: Making dens and playing pirates, and eating things you're really not supposed to eat!
Daddy's Favourite bit: A lovely bit of table-turning here in a fab and fun book. Hoping for a "How to Babysit a Grandma" very soon!
(Kindly sent to us for review by Hodder Children's Books)