Jason Beresford brings his superhero creations to life at a special BAFTA event. (Bring your own fish fingers!) |
The lovely folk at Catnip have let us know that there's a rather special author event taking place this Saturday, 12th October 2013 in that there Londinium Town. Jason Beresford is coming to the British Academy of Film and Television Arts and he's bringing superhero mayhem with him!
His latest book "The Fabulous Four Fish Fingers" is a superhero tale with a twist. Forget laser vision, invisibility, super strength or gadding around dressed in a tin suit - these kid superheroes are for real! Slither like a slug, flap like a bird, screech and scratch like a monkey or bound like a kangaroo - whatever your particular power prowess, you're bound to have a fun day.
Get in touch with the lovely Liz at catnip publishing to book yourself and your super-kids a place at this spectacular event! Kapow! Blam! Squelch! Meep!