How to Lose a Lemur
Written and Illustrated by
Frann Preston-Gannon
Published by
Pavilion Children's Books
Pavilion Children's Books
We love Lemurs. It could be because they're cute, cuddly, always have that look of abject surprise on their faces - or perhaps because they look a bit like our Great Nan! Having a Great Nan who looks like a Lemur is definitely a bonus, trust us.
You can imagine how much fun it would be to be followed around all day by a Lemur, but what if more of the little googly-eyed cuties followed? And more...and more?
That's the story in "How to Lose a Lemur" by Frann Preston-Gannon (who also wrote and illustrated the fabulous "Dinosaur Farm"). Lemurs latch on to a young boy who doesn't mind at first, but soon realises being followed around by loveable huggable lemurs isn't ideal. Climbing a tree doesn't work (Lemurs are EXCELLENT at climbing), jumping on a bus - even sailing away on a boat can't shake these crazy little critters.
Eventually the boy realises that perhaps having Lemurs around might not be so bad after all, particularly when you're lost and alone and far away from home (Lemurs are also brilliant at homing!)
Let us count the ways we love this book to bits - almost as much as Lemurs themselves. It's cute, it's laugh-out loud funny, and Frann's brilliant illustrations give her characters a vitality and energy as the story gathers pace.
If you've ever seen Lemurs dancing in the wild, it will definitely remind you of this book!
Charlotte's best bit: Lemur Bundle!!
Daddy's Favourite bit: Oh the snorkel bit, the snorkel bit! Brilliant fun, wonderful illustrations, who wouldn't want to be followed around all day by these cute little guys!
(Kindly sent to us for review by Pavilion Children's Books)