Written by Lena Landstrom
Illustrated by Olaf Landstrom
Published by Gecko press
Meet Pom and Pim, an engaging and cute toddler and his favourite cuddly toy. We share in their day from the moment Pom wakes up, to the moment he's tucked back up in bed at night with a story.
You might wonder what adventures a little kid can have, but when you have a whole world to explore - and you're knee high to a grasshopper, the potential for fun is colossal.
Lena and Olaf Landstrom's "Pom and Pim" is a gentle story full of fun, and we loved it.
Charlotte's best bit: Pom does not like peas!
Daddy's Favourite bit: Simple, cute and fun.
(Kindly sent to us for review by Gecko Press)