Come and take a new look at this delightful monster tale, now reprinted by Maverick Publishing. Step out and join a ghoulish party with Tamara Small...
"Tamara Small and the Monsters Ball" was originally released back in 2012 when our blog was a mere toddler and "The Boss" was too. You can read our original review of the book here.
Fast-forward a couple of years and Maverick Publishing have given the book a dust-down, a new spangly cover by Gabrielle Antonini so once again it's time to join Tamara Small at the world's strangest party.
Snatched from her bed one night (eek!) by a shambling grumpy monster, Tamara fears for her life but the monster wipes away her tears, and beckons towards the village hall where the oddest of events is taking place. The annual monsters ball!
Tamara soon gets into the swing of things, realising that these monsters don't want to eat her they want to PARTAYYYYY with her!
Giles' rhyming style is superb, we love Gabriele's bold and colourful monster art. If you've never encountered Tamara Small perhaps it's time to make her acquaintance!
"Tamara Small and the Monsters Ball" by Giles Paley-Phillips and Gabriele Antonini is re-released today by Maverick Books, 28th July 2015.
(Kindly sent to us for review by Maverick Books)