"Waitaminute, waitaminute...something's changed!"
Yep it's time for our spring clean, and with our 5th Blog Birthday coming up on the 10th of August, I thought it was time to rejig things a little bit.
First off, a nice crisp clean look so that reviews have a bit more room, content can be found more easily, and some new navigation options 'oop top' to allow you to find new and interesting content on the blog.
Most of the tried and tested things will stay the same. We'll still have a Book of the Week (or multiple ones, you know us!), we still have a reviews and submissions policy, but the structure of reviews will change a little bit and hopefully (time permitting) we'll try a few new things like a roundup of weekly releases, and what's hot in children's books for the current week (our posts will now appear as sidebar items listed by popularity each week so you'll know which reviews are getting the most interest. Flashy!)
All wrapped around a Bootstrap framework so you should get a nicer browser experience on just about any screen / layout. Hooray!
Stick with us though, we'll still be bringing you the same honest reviews and Charlotte still calls all the shots so keep in touch, stay in tune and forgive us while things shuffle around over the next week or so.
Phil & Charlotte @ ReadItDaddy