These are great little board books with an outdoorsy theme, teaching the tiniest ones how great it is to get outside into the fresh air and the countryside...
Rosalind Beardshaw's "Up and Down: A Walk in the Countryside" is one of a selection of themed books published by Nosy Crow in conjunction with The National Trust.
This one explores opposites, so for every up there's a down, for every in there's an out, for every prickle there's something furry.
Gorgeous illustrations make this board book a standout title, with two awesome little characters exploring our world and getting to know more about nature and the outdoors.
They're absolutely lovely - the full range includes titles on learning your ABCs, your nu,bers and your colours, so there's definitely something for everyone.
Beautifully presented, "Up and Down: A Walk in the Countryside" by Rosalind Beardshaw is out now, published by Nosy Crow / National Trust.