Meet "Oliver Elephant" by Lou Peacock and Helen Stephens, the beautiful little tale of a tiny little chap called Noah and his beloved soft cuddly toy Oliver.
Oliver plays with Noah, and the two friends have fun in a huge department store while Noah, along with Mum and baby sister go Christmas Shopping.
The two friends love playing peekaboo, hiding in a dolls house and dancing on tables (not the sort of behaviour we'd encourage little ones to try out in shops, but fine for fuzzy elephants!)
When Oliver goes missing though, things take a sad turn. Will Noah ever find his best friend in the huge store? Perhaps a touch of christmas magic is required!
This is a delightful story, beautiful to tell at bedtimes as children are hopping around with excitement and need something peaceful and calming.
"Oliver Elephant" by Lou Peacock and Helen Stephens is out now, published by Nosy Crow (kindly supplied for review).