Ooh now this we like! A poignant, thought provoking and ultimately joyful story with a soulful message of hope...
"Beyond the Fence" by Maria Gulemetova is the story of Pig.
Pig lives with Thomas, but Pig never likes to venture outside the comfortable four walls or the garden at home.
Thomas knows that Pig would love to travel, to experience the great outdoors but Pig is secretly quite scared of what might lie "out there".
With gentle coaxing, a deep friendship, patience and understanding, Thomas tries his best - but it's actually a stranger - a wild pig - that shows poor housebound pig exactly what's been missing from his life.
We loved the atmosphere of this book, the way Maria expertly builds each scene with thoughtful precision. We hope this is a book that strikes as much of a chord with you as it did with us.
"Beyond the Fence" by Maria Gulemetova is published by Child's Play. Out now in Hardback, with paperback to follow in April 2018.