Thursday 8 February 2018

I Love Books - Keepsake Reading Journal (Make Believe Ideas)

Once again, a gift of an idea for us lowly book bloggers, a fab and sparkly book journal just perfect for C's review musings...
"I Love Books - Keepsake Reading Journal" is another brilliantly designed and presented idea from Make Believe Ideas.

When we're devising reviews, we often make notes or scribble down thoughts when we're reading through each of the submissions we receive. What better place to do this than a great looking journal packed with awesome ideas.

There's plenty of space for your review notes for starters, and 30 tear-off bookmarks (which, believe you me, when you start reviewing Middle Grade books you'll really find a need for - as we're ALWAYS misplacing or running out of bookmarks).

There are great stickers too to compliment your reviews, and finally a neat little stamp / pen so that you can rate each book out of 5 stars (important if you also publish your reviews to Amazon).

Overall it's an attractive (if a little feminine) approach to book journaling, and is spiral bound which really helps when you're juggling a new book and your journal on your knee.

"I Love Books" from Make Believe Ideas is out now (kindly supplied for review).