Friday 2 February 2018

ReadItDaddy's Chapter Book of the Week - Week Ending 2nd February 2018 - "Battle of the Beetles (Beetle Boy Book 3)" by M.G. Leonard (Chicken House Books)

Our Chapter Book of the Week this week ushers in the final book in one of the most stunning middle grade trilogies of recent years - and we're more than a bit sad about that...
It has to happen I guess. Those final books in a series are always the toughest to cope with as regular book bloggers. In the case of "Battle of the Beetles" though, M.G Leonard has been merely warming us up - only to pour on all the feels, all the tension to almost unbearable proportions in this 'final' outing for Darkus and his friends.

Obviously we want you to go out and grab this one as soon as you can (and if you haven't previously read "Beetle Boy" and "Beetle Queen" - the previous two books in the series, go treat yourself to all three, take the phone off the hook, unplug your computer and DIVE THE HECK IN!)

Darkus and his cohorts - both human and insect - continue their amazing quest against unspeakable evil in this final instalment of the Beetle trilogy. 

Once again, scene-stealing "Love to hate her" baddie Lucretia Cutter has escaped justice, setting up a colossal secret Biome deep in the Amazonian Jungle. 

Lucretia licks her wounds but has an ultimate plan to release her massive horde of hideous genetically altered Frankensteinian Beetles on the world. 

Can Darkus and his friends, human and beetle alike, find it before it's too late and put a stop to Lucretia's twisted plans to release her hoard of giant Frankenstein beetles?

M.G knows how to toy with our emotions, and again with the action ramping up to almost unbearable proportions we both GUZZLED this book down. Exquisitely paced, again good solidly brilliant characters (though it's amusing that both of us really do like Lucretia a bit more than is probably good for us!) and just so flipping original it takes your breath away. 

We've both loved the previous books in the series, but can this really be the end for Lucretia and Darkus? We're hanging on M.G's every word that somewhere, somehow there's going to be more from this brilliant little Beetle Boy and his gang. 

The end? Really? Oh you know we're not going to tell! You will just have to pick this up and find out yourself. Book of the Week? Of flipping course! With Bells on!

"Battle of the Beetles" by M.G Leonard is out now, published by Chicken House (kindly supplied for review).