This is another fantastic publication in the "Time for Kids" range, this time delving into the lives of four amazing black Americans who made history, and whose stories are always incredible to read...
"Heroes of Black History" tells the story of the accomplishments of four great Americans, Harriet Tubman, Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks, and Barack Obama.
Young readers are always fascinated by the struggles and triumphs of people working against great odds, and this book serves as a fantastic reference for school projects that may touch on Black history in the US, and the landmark moments that the four figures in this book were part of.
Whether the subject is freeing hundreds of slaves, fighting a great wrong, or being the first to accomplish something, these inspiring profiles of freedom fighters and vanguards have never been more timely or necessary for students and citizens.
With an introduction by Charleyne Hunter-Gault, a black-American journalist, activist and broadcaster, this is a really fantastic book full of incredible moments of hope and triumph, definitely something we could all do with reading about at the moment.
"Heroes of Black History" from Time for Kids Publications is out now (kindly supplied for review).