Tuesday 5 March 2019

"The Wonderful World of Clothes" by Emma Damon (Otter-Barry Books)

Fashion is definitely a 'thing' with C, who loves to design outfits and make clothes for her dolls.

So we were keenly interested in this new title from Otter-Barry, looking at costumes and clothing from all around the world - but also looking to the future at what we may all be wearing in a few years time!

"The Wonderful World of Clothes" by Emma Damon is a gorgeously illustrated celebration of style, a smorgasbord of wearables from many, many countries - each with their own culture and uniqueness that can feed into a child's imagination as they begin to think about how clothes are made, how they came about, and perhaps even how they'll be made and designed as technology begins to play more of a role in how clothing is produced.

See what children wear in Siberia, in the Sahara desert or at the Vietnamese Moon Festival. 

Find out how to wear a sari or kimono and learn all about the special clothes worn by astronauts, firemen and deep-sea divers. 

There are amazing hats, shoes and jewellery here too, after all it's important to accessorise, darling!

Truly inspirational stuff and C absolutely loved this to bits!

Sum this book up in a sentence: A whirlwind tour of the world and all the amazing national costumes, clothing types and specialist clothes that folk wear every day. 

"The Wonderful World of Clothes" by Emma Damon is out now, published by Otter-Barry Books (kindly supplied for review).