"Kids Fight Plastic" by #2minutebeachclean campaigner Martin Dorey, with illustrations by Tim Wesson is a great little pocket-sized book to take with you - full of brilliantly simple things that kids (AND ADULTS, YES YOU TOO!) can do to be effective eco-warriors.
As demonstrated within, it can literally only take 2 minutes to make a huge, huge difference.
Plastic is everywhere. It is in the rivers and it is in the sea. Kids can become waste-fighting superheroes, and can help clean up their locale in a simple and effective way.
Read this essential book and find out how you can become a #2minutesuperhero by completing 50 missions to fight plastic at home, school and on your days out.
Informative, practical and positive, this guide for children is written by Martin Dorey, anti-plastic campaigner and author of the bestselling No. More. Plastic.
Martin is the founder of the Beach Clean Network and the #2minutebeachclean movement and believes that small actions add up to make a big difference.
Martin is the founder of the Beach Clean Network and the #2minutebeachclean movement and believes that small actions add up to make a big difference.
Sum this book up in a sentence: A brilliant little manual for kids to take everywhere, filled with great ideas to help everyone (not just kids) be a better person, and help clean up our planet.
"Kids Fight Plastic" by Martin Dorey and Tim Wesson is out now, published by Walker Books (kindly supplied for review)