"A Cat Called Trim" by Corinne Fenton and Craig Smith is the true story of a brave ship's cat who sailed the world with Captain Matthew Flinders, a map-maker and explorer extraordinaire!
As Flinders set sail to map out the Australian coastline for the first time, this story tells a tale from Trim's perspective about what life must have been like on a sailing ship.
Keeping order, dealing with bullies and of course ensuring that the ship's rats didn't scoff all the supplies were just part and parcel of brave Trim's daily life, beautifully told in a story book that once again proves that kids can cope with a heavy word count if the story is brilliant and focused and filled with gorgeous illustrations.
Sum this book up in a sentence: A superb tale that will astonish and astound in equal measure. Trim was definitely one very special puss!
"A Cat Called Trim" by Corinne Fenton and Craig Smith is out now, published by A & U (kindly supplied for review).