In "The Blanket Bears" by Samuel Langley-Swain and Ashlee Spink, two bear brothers begin their own adoption journey.
At first their future seems uncertain and scary, but they're determined to stick together no matter what happens.
Thankfully the two adorable little cubs find a loving family who will care for them, and keep them together but what's very interesting about this book is that it doesn't shy away from the adversity some kids may face in the adoption process, and aims to show the good and the bad in a touching, inspirational and thoughtfully sensitive way.
A happy ever after for two adopted bear cubs. |
With a strong and positive message about hope, and a brilliantly observed and sensitively handled story, this is rather special indeed.
Owlet Press is a small independent publisher, but they have a really cool catalogue of picture book titles building including this one. Worth visiting their website for a closer look.
Sum this book up a sentence: A superb little adoption story told through the eyes of two little bears looking for their 'forever' family, lovingly and sensitively put together to highlight the process of adoption for younger children.
"The Blanket Bears" by Samuel Langley Swain and Ashlee Spink is out now, published by Owlet Press (kindly supplied for review).