"A World Full of Spooky Stories" by Angela McAllister and Madalina Andronic is a peerless collection of 50 tales from right across the world. Tales that dance with the dark side of myth and legend, introducing beautiful heroines, mighty heroes, and all manner of strange creatures and dark magic.
Some tales will be familiar to you, but others feel fresh and original, and are deftly reworked by Angela with glorious characterful artwork by Madalina.
From the fearsome witch Baba Yaga to the slithery serpent woman from Spain, the rescue of Tam Lin from the bewitching Queen of the Fairies to the story of how Father Death gets caught in the Enchanted Apple Tree.
Perfect bite-sized stories for braver kids who don't mind a bit of darkness and adventure before they settle down for a (hopefully) nightmare-free sleep.
Let's take a look inside, shall we?
Sum this book up in a sentence: A truly stunning collection of tales digging into dark themes and glorious characters from across the globe.
"A World Full of Spooky Stories" by Angela McAllister and Madalina Andronic is out now, published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books (kindly supplied for review).