"Man in the Mountain" by Natalie Ramm and Gaia D'Alconzo is the story of a solitary soul who has spent many years sleeping, waiting for something to happen.
Over the years, the giant becomes attuned to strange music - and on waking, he realises just how beautiful his world really is.
The only problem is that the giant is imposing, and tends to scare everyone he comes into contact with - man or beast.
Only a single brave cuckoo manages to sum up the courage to approach the Man in the Mountain, and become his friend.
Natalie has beautifully woven a story tapestry that aims to help children understand the beauty of the natural world, the satisfaction of friendship however simple, and of course what we stand to lose if our natural world slowly disappears. Her lyrical rhyming story is gorgeously underpinned by Gaia's dream-like and subtle illustrations, bringing this modern fable wonderfully to life in a story that will appeal to all ages.
"Man in the Mountain" by Natalie Ramm and Gaia D'Alconzo is out now, published by Ragged Bears (kindly supplied for review).