"A Giant Dose of Gross" by Andy Seed and Claire Almon shines the spotlight on animals that you normally don't see in more prim and proper natural history books. Those animals who look pretty grim, have some of the most disgusting habits, and use some pretty stomach-churning ways of staying alive.
Not one to be read over breakfast (as C discovered as she leafed through this one while enjoying a healthy bowl of porridge), Andy and Claire dig through the more unsavoury side of the animal kingdom, uncovering a plethora of farters, pukers, slimers, bleeders, ploppers and piddlers.
From puking vultures and farting goats to stinky opossums who pretend to be dead, this book gathers them all together in a fascinating volume for those of us who don't mind uncovering nature's less salubrious side.
Kids (particularly boys) will absolutely adore reading - and repeating to their horrified parents - all the grim facts on offer in this fantastic book.
Sum this book up in a sentence: A fascinating glimpse at the seedier (pun intended) side of the animal kingdom, and some truly grim, gross and yet strangely adorable creatures who use every means necessary to survive.
"A Giant Dose of Gross" by Andy Seed and Claire Almon is out now, published by QED (kindly supplied for review).