Monday 6 April 2020

"The Huffalots" by Eve Coy (Andersen Children's Books)

Eve Coy's books are a sheer delight, always beautifully written and drawn, but also rather wonderfully observed.

"The Huffalots" is a brilliant little book all about siblings - and it also works for our own huffalot at the moment who is entering those tween years of sticking to her bed like glue, avoiding baths wherever possible, and turning tiny little insignificant crises into giant insurmountable tantrum-fuelled issues.

Back to the book, and the brother and sister in Eve's book begin the day as "Huffalots" - they're grumpy, they love saying "No" a lot - and they bicker like cat and dog.

But as the day continues, they become "Huffalittles" - Slowly coming round to the fact that they actually enjoy each other's company after all.

Then there are further transformations - into "Lovealittles" - almost cuddly but still with a fractious edge, then eventually "Lovealots" where they're all soppy and happy and cuddlesome. Awww.

But by the end of the day there's a big huffalot - Mum isn't having a brilliant day. Can the two turn her into a lovealot too?

There's so much to love(alot) about this book, from the instantly classic-feeling artwork, to the gentle story. Maybe your own huffalots might be lovealots by the end too!

Sum this book up in a sentence: A beautifully written, illustrated and observed book from an immensely talented lass who sums up the ups and downs of children's lives (and those of their parents) so perfectly.

"The Huffalots" by Eve Coy is out now, published by Andersen Children's Books (kindly supplied for review).