Monday 10 August 2015

Pirates in Pyjamas by Caroline Crowe and Tom Knight (Little Tiger Press)

Snuggling down for the night? You'll still have time for a perfect piratical story in "Pirates in Pyjamas"...

It's almost time for bed, and your little ones are snuggled up in pyjamas. What's the best type of nautical yarn to lull them off to sleep? A rollicking pirate yarn of course!

Here's "Pirates in Pyjamas" by Caroline Crowe and Tom Knight, featuring an outrageous band of bandits roaming the high seas. They're stylishly decked out, not in the latest pirate greatcoats and tricorn hats but in warm snuggly nightwear!

Fun rhyming text trips off the tongue perfectly, with a brace of barnacle-encrusted illustrations from Tom Knight to keep your little ones' peepers popping. Captain Grotbeard (LOVE that name!) and his crew are on a quest - not for booty, but for bed!

Fun, colourful piratical stuff for your tiny teenies!

Charlotte's best bit: Pirate bubble baths in a big soapy tub, yar-harrrrr!

Daddy's Favourite bit: Great rhyming story to read aloud, perfect piratical bedtime fare!

Pirates in Pyjamas

Written by Caroline Crowe

Illustrated by Tom Knight

Published by Little Tiger Press

Release Date 13th August 2015

(Kindly sent to us for review by Little Tiger Press)