Wednesday 14 June 2017

Creative Space Journal: Journal through 100 Art Projects by Lucy Irving (Ammonite Press)

Journals are big, BIG news with a lot of older kids and teens at the moment. Sliding comfortably into a niche between diaries and sketch books, here's a brilliantly inspirational one from Lucy Irving...
"Creative Space Journal" by Lucy Irving is a hugely attractive small format sized journal that draws you in right from the get-go.

With a superb cover to set the mood, and tabs for the various categories of art project, you'll journal your way through 100 different inspirational ideas - some which you can complete in a minimal timespan but others that require a bit more dedication.

Journals have caught on with creative folk who are inspired to take a break from technology and get more creative with their traditional art materials, or maybe indulge in a bit of prompt-driven photography or sketching.

Needless to say it was right up our alley with brilliant ideas like this:

(Sadly we only ever meet two cats and they never stay still enough to take a pic of them!)
The book is of course beautifully bound and contains decent quality paper so if you are the brave sort who doesn't mind sketching directly into the journal, you'll find it can stand up to most pens and pencils quite ably.

Cor, only just managed to squeeze this image into the blog! Can you draw an animal in a tight spot?
Lucy's imagination is boundless, and these prompts are fantastic for folk like me who are hooked on various Twitter art prompt threads like sketch_dailies or shape challenge.

Sadly I already do this all the time...
"Creative Space Journal" by Lucy Irving is out now, published by Ammonite Press (kindly supplied for review).