Thursday 3 August 2017

Rhyme Crime by Jon Burgerman (OUP / Oxford Children's Books)

Oh there's many a crime been committed in the course of a rhyming book...
...but when you've got very funny man Jon Burgerman (even his name makes us laugh) penning a rhyming frenzy, things can only be hilarious.

So it is with "Rhyme Crime" in which we track a devilish thief who steals things leaving nought but a clever rhyme in his wake.

Though we think the nefarious no-gooder has met his match, there is one thing that just can't be rhymed with anything else. We'll give you a clue - you eat it, and it is its own colour!

Got it? Get it? Good!

As with Jon's other fantastic books for younger children this is a riot in both illustration and rhyme from start to finish and is bound to make your little ones giggle like goons.

"Rhyme Crime" by Jon Burgerman is out now, published by OUP / Oxford Children's Books (kindly supplied for review).