Saturday 5 March 2016
Amelie and the Great Outdoors by Fiona Barker and Rosie Brooks (Matador / Troubador Publishing)
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March 05, 2016
Amelie and the Great Outdoors,
Fiona Barker,
Matador Publising,
Rosie Brooks,
Troubador Publishing
Here's a book with a core message we can really get behind, extolling the virtues of getting out of the house and enjoying the world outside your door.Amelie is a little girl who loves nothing better than staying inside. She loves her computer games, and her lovely warm cosy flat but really doesn't want to go out and play.
The story takes us through the seasons, as all the wonders of the world change as winter segues into spring, to summer and through to autumn (in fact we love the way the story explores the changing seasons and Amelie's would-be friend Barlow tries to lure her away from her home comforts (Charlotte was particularly tickled by Barlow's name! Mum and Charlotte are slightly obsessed with a certain Mr G Barlow who has been known to sing a bit).
One day, Barlow doesn't appear on Amelie's window sill and she starts to worry. What has happened to him? Is he OK?
Amelie is forced to make a difficult choice. Stay indoors and carry on as she always has, or go out into the scary outdoors to look for her friend.
What path will Amelie choose?
Fiona and Rosie have put together a beautiful little story that imparts an important life lesson without sounding too naggy or preachy - and one that sensitively deals with many scenarios where children (and adults) might not want to go outside.
We're huge fans of escaping the confines of the house when weekend 'cabin fever' kicks in if we don't get to escape into the countryside when we have time off. This great little book comfortably describes Amelie's experiences as she prepares to make her choice and once she's done so, there's no stopping her!
Loved it! You can buy "Amelie and the Great Outdoors" through Troubador Publishing's website and it'll be out in paperback on 28th April 2016.
Charlotte's favourite bit: When Barlow begins to show Amelie a world she's never experienced, through her open window and out into the great wide world
Daddy's favourite bit: A wonderful thought-provoking and sensitively written book with fab illustrations. A perfect little story to show your little ones just how fabulous 'outside' can be!
(Kindly sent to us for review by Fiona Barker)
"Amelie and the Great Outdoors"
Written by Fiona Barker
Illustrated by Rosie Brooks
Published by Troubador / Matador
Publication Date: Launch - 5th March / Paperback: 28th April 2016