Wednesday 7 February 2018

"Knight Tales" by David Melling (Hodder Children's Books)

As much as C was a huge fan of Hugless Douglas when she was a tiny little mite, David Melling's other fabulous fairy tale creations were definitely the books she always demanded from our library visits...
"Knight Tales" gathers together David Melling's three fantastic fairy tale romps in one glorious volume.

"The Kiss That Missed", "Good Knight Sleep Tight" and "The Three Wishes" are now collected together and it's great to revisit these now C is older, to still find that she enjoys them as much now as she did when she was really tiny. 

We love the recurring cast of characters and the fun-filled stories all designed to be read while snuggling down before a good night's sleep. 

David Melling's soothingly brilliant storytelling style fused with his gorgeous artwork make this a compilation treat par excellence, and definitely one to pick up if your kids love Hugless Douglas and want to see even more from this hugely talented local creative fellah. 

(See if you can spot him hiding in Abingdon's Costa btw! He'll be the one drawing on napkins!)

"Knight Tales" by David Melling is out now, published by Hodder Children's Books (kindly supplied for review).