Stand by for another cracking edition from Stella Gurney and Matthew Hodson, absolutely roasting hot off the press...
"The Zoological Times" follows the hugely successful format of Stella and Matthew's "The Prehistoric Times" but this time taking a deep dive into nature, and all the absolutely amazing animals we share a planet with.
This fab little book isn't your ordinary everyday run-of-the-mill animal book. It's packed with tons of amazing information, superb illustrations and photos, incredible activities, puzzles and games - and of course tons and tons of inspiration for young animal fans to find out more about their favourite creatures and species.
There are cheesy jokes but also astonishing facts. Celebratory insights into how amazing animals are, and of course a lot of rather sad news when it comes to how many species are disappearing from the planet for good year after year.
It's certainly a fantastic idea (and one we rather hoped might spawn a sequel when we saw just how amazing the original book was). There are so many ways to interest your child in animal conservation and a love of the planet, but superb little books like this really do work and provide a fun learning journey along the way too.
"The Zoological Times" by Stella Gurney and Matthew Hodson is out now, published by Frances Lincoln Children's Books (kindly supplied for review).