Friday 19 November 2010

Let's take over the Nursery!

Let's take over the Nursery!

Written by Richard Hamilton

Illustrated by Sue Heap

Published by Bloomsbury Press

This must be every pre-schooler's ultimate fantasy, surely? What would they do if the teacher got stuck in a climbing frame for the day? Not quite Lord of the Flies but certainly chaos ensues when just such an occurrence happens, and the children decide to do exactly what they want all day. 

Great rhyming text lays out the story of the gradual descent into toddler chaos, with the poor Nursery teacher powerless to step in. Naturally the children soon realise that taking over the nursery for the day isn't quite as great as it sounds but there's a great conclusion to the story and with Sue Heap's child-like but detailed illustrations underpinning the rhyming couplets here, this is a super little story. 

Charlotte's best bit: Millie sitting on Lily, and Tilly sitting on Millie. 

Daddy's favourite bit: The kids going crazy with paints. 

Rating: 4 out of 5