Thursday, 26 January 2012

Biscuit Bear

Oh how we love Mini Grey's books. They're usually bordering on the surreal, they're always exquisitely illustrated and are undoubtedly amongst the books we take out of the library the most.

This is the second outing for Biscuit Bear for us, and I could've sworn I'd reviewed it before (Blogger Search Says "No"). Nevertheless the tale of a young lad, his lump of dough, and the biscuit bear he makes one day is effortlessly charming and amusing (you know, I'm sure given half the chance Charlotte would probably do terrible things to lumps of dough just like the little chap in this story - though we'd draw the line at letting her press it around the loo seat as the little boy did on one page, EEK!)

Biscuit Bear is smart and canny though and doesn't want to be alone. So he makes some new friends in the only way a biscuit bear can. By baking them!

It was a tough choice between this and "Paint the Whole World" for book of the week, this comes a really close second (though I'd love to have seen a few more pages at the end of the book when Biscuit Bear finds his calling in life) - it all seems to end a little flat. You'll see what I mean.

Still a superb book. Now where did I put my pastry cutter?

Charlotte's best bit: The naughty dog and what he does.

Daddy's favourite bit: The absolutely perfect expression of guilt on the dog's face.

Rating: 4 (and a half) out of 5 stars