Wednesday, 11 September 2013

The Littlest Bird by Gareth Edwards and Elina Ellis (Piccadilly Press)

The Littlest Bird

Written by Gareth Edwards

Illustrated by Elina Ellis

Published by Piccadilly Press

With a sweet little bird as its central character, Charlotte instantly fell in love with "The Littlest Bird" by Gareth Edwards and Elina Ellis. It's the story of a cute little chick who suddenly finds that life in the nest is becoming a bit of a squash and a squeeze. What's a little bird to do when she can't even find a space for her toothbrush, or even breathing space as her noisy siblings take up all the room and make such a fuss.

Reluctantly, the poor little bird has no choice but to hunt for another home. But even an empty nest can be a dangerous place for a young chick taking her first steps out into the big wide world.

This is such a cute story, perfect for bedtime snuggles and definitely a great little tale to tell children who also feel a bit squashed and squeezed by noisy brothers and sisters at home. We loved Elina's artwork in this too.

Charlotte's best bit: The little bird snuggling up to an egg in her new-found home. But what's in the egg?

Daddy's Favourite bit: A very cute and snuggly little tale indeed!

(Kindly sent to us for review by Piccadilly Press)