Friday, 20 June 2014

Moose Kid Comics goes LIVE today! A spangly new digital comic from some corkingly awesome Brit comic talent

Moose Kid Comics Issue 1 - Digital craziness from a seriously impressive comic line-up!
Cool kids will already know Jamie Smart as the twisted and warped genius behind one of the Phoenix Comic's most fantastic recurring strips, "Bunny vs Monkey" - As well as working on a metric TON of other strips, Jamie has now brought together some of the most impressive comic talent working in the UK today to produce something new. 

"Moose Kid Comics" is a fresh new comic stuffed to the very gills with brilliant comic strips, and as it's a digital download, you don't get any of that nasty plastic tat that publishers think your kid would rather have than ace stories, fab artwork and supreme content. 

"Porc" - Just one of the strips you'll find tucked away inside "Moose Kid Comics"

Jamie is understandably extremely enthusiastic about this new venture (as are we): 

“I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved and who is involved,” Jamie enthuses. ”We have exclusive comics from artists like Tom Paterson, Mike Pearce and David Leach, heroes to anyone who grew up reading comics in the UK. And there’s Gary Northfield, Laura Howell, Mark Stafford, Roger Langridge, to name but a few, mixed in amongst newer artists like Rachael Smith, Tom Plant and Will Kirkby.

“And, of course, we’re very excited to be showcasing a real exclusive – Young Tank Girl, by Alan Martin and Warwick Johnson-Cadwell themselves!

While Moose Kid Comics is an enormous project in itself, the creative team behind it are hoping that its success will lead to greater things.

“Moose Kids Comics is a statement,” says Jamie. “It’s a declaration of what we can do. It’s concrete proof of the high quality entertainment we can create, and the heart and passion of all the talented artists who want to help change children’s comics for the better.

“We’re hoping to open up the discussion about how we can keep doing this. We’re looking for publishers who can see the potential, and help us reignite children’s comics. We’d even love to find funding so we can print up a whole bundle of copies, and release it for free on a massive scale, through charities and schools, into hospitals and across the world, everywhere children (and adults) could do with a smile.“

Nan Tastic - Another superb strip coming to Moose Kid Comics

Comics are a natural draw for kids, and we've always looked out for new ones to wow Charlotte with. I can't wait to download the first issue and let her loose on it (and heck, if there's Young Tank Girl in it, I've got to check that out!)

"Moose Kid Comics" - Out today! Go geddit!