Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Booky Advent Calendar Day 3 - "The Lego Annual 2015" (Ladybird Books)
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December 03, 2014
Ladybird Books,
The Official Lego Annual 2015

The Official Lego Annual 2015
Written and Illustrated by
Various Authors / Artists
Published by Ladybird Books
I may be in the minority here, but I always loved getting at least one annual for Christmas. Big thick and weighty hardback versions of my favourite comics all wrapped up and ready to be chipped away at when christmas toys had run out of batteries, and the Queen's Speech was on telly.
Charlotte loves annuals too and we were absolutely over the moon to be able to take a look at the new Official Lego Annual for 2015. This is the rather 'boy-centric' annual rather than the official Lego Friends annual, but nonetheless it was very well received by a little girl who is still head over heels in love with The Lego Movie - and often goes straight for our huge box of generic lego over the more 'girly' stuff.
As you'd expect from Ladybird Books it's jam-packed with content, and if your child already receives the Lego Club Magazine (which is free to sign up for, by the way), this is a really cool annual bringing together the same sort of content. Build ideas, great comic strips, fun puzzles and activities and a whole bunch of Lego Movie goodness to keep you building well into 2015 and beyond. Once you're done with the book you can even dig out the little lego strips provided on the front cover and see how many different things you can make from those!
Charlotte's best bit: She has her eye on the new Polar Explorer Lego (we'll have to see what Santa brings!)
Daddy's Favourite bit: An awesome annual for budding builders!
(Kindly sent to us for review by Ladybird Books)