Monday, 22 June 2015
Danny Dreadnought Saves the World by Jonathan Emmett and Martin Chatterton (Egmont Publishing)
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June 22, 2015
Danny Dreadnought Saves the World,
Egmont Publishing,
Jonathan Emmett,
Martin Chatterton

Danny Dreadnought Saves the World
Written by Jonathan Emmett
Illustrated by Martin Chatterton
Published by Egmont Publishing
What are you scared of? Do you have an irrational fear of spiders perhaps? Hate mice? Go into writhing contortions of fear and disgust at the mere mention of bathtime?
Meet Danny Dreadnought, star of "Danny Dreadnought Saves the World" by Jonathan Emmett with illustrations by Martin Chatterton. Danny isn't your ordinary everyday boy, in fact his parents are slightly concerned about Danny. For Danny isn't afraid of ANYTHING!
Bundled onto the scariest rollercoaster, Danny just yawns and asks to go again (while his parents have to be practically peeled out of their seats!)
A night in a haunted house? Pshaw, who's afraid of ghosts? Not Danny!
But when nefarious alien invaders - the horrid stinky slimy Bugulons - threaten our planet, will Danny finally cower in terror?
I'm sure you can guess the answer!
Here's Jonathan showing off his writing props in a fantastic reading range from Egmont (Banana Books - this one at the "Blue Banana" level, perfectly pitched for Charlotte's age group at 7 years old). She rattled through this story at double quick pace thanks to its frenetic and exciting action - exactly the sort of book that Jonathan talks about a lot on his "Cool not Cute" blog where he raises a lot of very interesting points about engaging reluctant boy readers, and gender imbalance in children's picture books. Go check it out.
In the meantime, if your school's curriculum-based reading books could do with a timely refresh, check out "Danny Dreadnought" and the other fantastic stories in the Banana range from Egmont.
Charlotte's best bit: Wanting to spend the night in a haunted house!
Daddy's Favourite bit: A great book for reeling out a whole plethora of gurgling slimy Bugulon voices! Awesome!
(Kindly sent to us for review by Egmont / Jonathan Emmett)