Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Harry Potter Colouring Book Celebratory Edition: The Best of Harry Potter Colouring (Warner Bros)

Simply the best Harry Potter colouring book there is? You can bet your Nargles on it...!
The "Harry Potter Colouring Book Celebratory Edition: The Best of Harry Potter Colouring" may be more of a mouthful than a ton of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans but this book series has been phenomenally successful.

Nigh on essential for Harry Potter fans, Warner Bros have published a fantastic "Best of" compilation featuring characters, creatures and settings from the awesome Harry Potter movies and books.

This celebratory edition also features exclusive new images and a ton of fabulous colour plates so that you can get some ideas for your own colouring by flicking to the back of the book.

As for the images themselves...well, as usual they're of crisp high quality, featuring tons and tons of exquisite little details for you to exercise your best pens, pencils, crayons and paints on...

You're a wizard, Harry Potter!
You get some great character shots like these...

Everyone loves Hermione - including Charlotte!
And of course some fab scenic stuff too, how about a look inside Snape's Potions dungeon?

Just don't call him Snivellus, OK? He doesn't like it. 
"Harry Potter Colouring Book Celebratory Edition: The Best of Harry Potter Colouring" is out now, published by Warner Bros Books (kindly supplied for review).