Thursday 17 August 2017
Crocodali by Lucy Volpin (Templar Publishing)
Want to help the world's most amazing crocodilian artist perfect another masterpiece? It's time to tilt, turn and shake with "Crocodali" by Lucy Volpin.I love the idea that authors and illustrators are increasingly playing with the picture book format, to encourage children themselves to play with their books more and interact with them beyond just plain reading aloud.
In "Crocodali" Lucy Volpin enlists the help of the young reader to help a crocodile artist perfect a masterpiece.
The crocodile is a hard task master though, so when told, children need to tilt the book, turn the book, perhaps even shake the book to produce an amazing result.
Things go quite well at first, but if you're a bit too vigorous and enthusiastic your perfect Dali piece might just end up as a Jackson Pollock!
A brilliant idea for young artistic kids who love play and fun.
"Crocodali" by Lucy Volpin is out now, published by Templar (kindly supplied for review).