Monday 4 December 2017

Booky Advent Calendar 2017 Day 4: "All I Want for Christmas" by Rachel Bright (Orchard Books)

It's that most wonderful time of the year, and we're now four books into our Booky Advent Calendar, running throughout December right up until Christmas Eve.

We're bringing you the very best books to stick on your christmas list to Santa, including loads and loads for very little ones.

Here's a delicious little penguin tale from Rachel Bright.

"All I Want for Christmas" is a gorgeous cuddly little story talking about all the exciting things that kids love about the run-up to christmas. Little Penguin is so excited, as Christmas is going to be amazing - but there's so much to prepare and get ready before the big day!

Thankfully everyone's willing to pitch in and help, including little penguin of course!

Absolutely LOVE this spread!
Such a fun little book with tons of heartwarming moments...

Lovely to see a dad / child book for very little ones, reinforcing that bond dads have with their kids.

Are you excited yet? We are!
"All I want for Christmas" by Rachel Bright is out now, published by Orchard Books (kindly supplied for review).