Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Brick Building 101 by Courtney Sanchez (Walter Foster Jr)

Fancy yourself as a master builder? Interested in STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths?) LOVE Lego? Then step right this way...
"Brick Building 101: 20 Lego Activities to teach kids about STEAM" by Courtney Sanchez is a really brilliant book that takes you and your Lego way beyond just making a house, a car or an intergalactic spaceship (SPACESHIP!!!!) with your multicoloured bricks.

Covering a diverse set of early years topics, "Brick Building 101" will get your grey cells working nicely as you build some awesome science experiments, artistic installations and even a fidget spinner (people still use those, right?) out of Lego.

Laying things out in very simple and hugely colourful page layouts, Courtney takes us on a journey of discovery that won't see you breaking the bank buying expensive kits or materials, a basic bucket o' bricks will do for most of the projects in here (which is another reason why we love this book so much - no fiddly bits!)

Build a cool set of multicoloured letters - try making your initials!
Though the book is predominantly aimed at early years kids, there are tons of inspirational ideas in here for older kids like C to try too.

"Shall we play a game?"
It's a great introduction to STEAM subjects. Now, does anyone know how to clean slime off minifigures?

C's best bit: Inevitably, the project involving turning your minifigures into a gigantic slime-covered entity.

Daddy's favourite bit: Simple fun experiments that won't need a ton of technical Lego to achieve. A great book for tiddlers who love their Lego and their science in equal measure.

"Brick Building 101" by Courtney Sanchez is out on the 31st May 2018, published by Walter Foster Jr (kindly supplied for review).