Friday 14 September 2018

ReadItDaddy's First Book of the Week - Week Ending 14th September 2018: "Why The Face?" by Jean Jullien (Phaidon Press)

We still can't resist board books, particularly when they're written and illustrated by such an immense talent...
Our first book of the week this week is "Why the Face?" by Jean Jullien. Following on from Jean's other amazing little board book titles, this book is shot through with such a tickling vein of humour running right from start to finish that it's impossible to get through without cracking a smile.

The genius behind "This is not a book" puts his immeasurable talents behind introducing littlies to facial expressions through some very clever guessing games.

Can you guess what each character is thinking, just by what their face looks like?

Let's try you out on a few examples.

Are you ready?

Why the face? What's this fellah's beef?
So what's this poor chap thinking about?

Oh dear!
A quick lift of the page's hidden panel once unfolded reveals the answer! Yep, you probably guessed right, this poor chap is suffering from a serious nasal assault! PHEW-EEEEE!

So how about this young lady?

Why the face? Why so blissed out?
Have you guessed it yet?

Anyone else's tummy grumbling or just mine?
Yep once again you got it right, lovely lovely smelling grub! YUMMO!

The book is a sheer delight. Though we should've moved on from reviewing 'baby' books aeons ago we just can't resist the charms of books like these and it's undoubtedly a book of the week win well deserved.

"Why the face?" by Jean Jullien is out now, published by Phaidon (kindly supplied for review).