Friday, 28 September 2018
ReaditDaddy's YA / Adult Comic of the Week - Week Ending 28th September 2018: "Crowded: Issue 1" by Christopher Sebela, Ro Stein, Ted Brandt, Triona Farrell and Rachel Stott (Image Comics)
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September 28, 2018
Christopher Sebela,
Image Comics,
Rachel Stott,
Ro Stein,
Ted Brandt,
Triona Farrell
This week's Comic of the week is strictly for YA / Grown-ups but it's a whip-smart slice of brilliance I really don't want you to miss out on...Issue 1 of "Crowded" written by Christopher Sebela with art by Ro Stein, Ted Brandt, Triona Farrell (Colours) and Rachel Stott (Variant Covers) is the sort of comic I want to force into people's hands.
"Read this, please read this. It's really flipping good! I mean REALLY good!"
Weirdly though it reminded me of something from my youth. A short piece of televisual history called "20 Minutes into the Future" which was a Channel 4 drama that came out around the same time the terrestrial channel first gave us all a reason to reprogram the other buttons on our tellies.
It was infamous for introducing us to one Max Headroom - a character that later went on to become something of a cultural icon - but the (extremely dubious) link between "20 Minutes into the Future" and "Crowded" is that the latter pulls off the same trick.
You see, it gives us a short-leap glimpse into our own app-and-mobile obsessed futures, where people stop having jobs and start hawking out their skills via a number of shared applications, the ultimate way of living for someone with the attention span of a sciatic tick.
Someone in fact like Charlie Ellison...
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In the future, there will be apps for everything - even hiring out your clothes and car to random strangers |
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Nope, no idea at all why someone would try to kill Charlie! Nope! |
Introducing Vita.
Despite being rated at the bottom on DFend, Vita is actually seriously kick ass - and manages to convince Charlie that she's right for the gig. Thus begins a beautiful friendship - or at least a business arrangement where you're never quite sure after this first issue that Vita won't just end up popping Charlie herself to save a metric tone of arseache.
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2,249 people really want our pink-haired temptress dead. But why? |
Charlie and Vita are like The Odd Couple on speed and by the end of this first issue I was absolutely queued up to the gills for ish 2 (it's very rare that I'll leap on a comic subscription from the very first issue of anything these days, but this is just so durned good I couldn't wait for a collected works like I normally do).
Get in on "Crowded" before the whole durned thing becomes reality. It's seriously superb. (Additional note since this review was written: Issue 2 is out now - and is every single bit as brilliant as the first!)
"Crowded" issue 1 by Sebela, Stein, Brandt, Farrell and Stott is out now, published by Image Comics (self purchased - not provided for review).