Wednesday, 3 October 2018

"Dave the Lonely Monster" by Anna Kemp and Sara Ogilvie (Simon and Schuster Children's Books)

Here's another rather cool take on a children's story 'theme' we've seen a lot on the blog this year, and that's definitely no bad thing...
In "Dave the Lonely Monster" by dynamic duo Anna Kemp and Sara Ogilvie (who dazzled us with their awesome "The Worst Princess" and "Sir LilyPad") we take a glimpse at the twilight years of a giant troll.

Once back in the day he was a rock god, thrashing his heavy metal guitar and striking fear into the hearts of the local villagers - as he and his band of beasts rocked the house turned right up to 11.

Now though, Dave is happily retired - though very lonely. He lives in a cave on the edge of town and life is pretty mundane - that is until one day when a rather brash and well armed Knight stalks into his cave, and starts to pelt poor Dave with rotten veggie bombs, jabbing him with a carrot sword. Owch!

Dave isn't sure he likes this intrusion at all, but throwing himself on the tiny knight's mercy, the two develop a touching friendship - and then discover that they have a mutual interest - making loud noises with musical instruments. ROCK ON!

Though life elsewhere is boring now Dave isn't on the prowl, and so to kick things up a bit the local villagers decide it's time to go on the offensive - and Dave is their unwitting target! EEK!

Can his new-found friend offer some protection? Or is Dave doomed?

We won't spoil the end, but there's a marvellously uplifting message here - even if you're old (like me) and your past rock glories are just that, a thing of the past, you can still strum out an awesome rock tune as many a classic has been played on an older instrument (if you know what I mean).

We loved this one a lot. Not quite the big hit that the previous two books from Anna and Sara were, but still really enjoyable.

C's best bit: Rocking out at the end with her floppy blow-up guitar to accompany Dave and his new-found band.

Daddy's favourite bit: A touching story with a bit of a rock theme, a great core message to treat your awesome elders with a bit of respect, you young whippersnappers!

"Dave the Lonely Monster" by Anna Kemp and Sara Ogilvie is out on the 4th October 2018 published by Simon and Schuster Children's Books (kindly supplied for review).