Tuesday 6 August 2019

"Incredible Journeys: Discovery, Adventure, Danger, Endurance" by Levison Wood and Sam Brewster (Wren and Rook)

Imagine being a true pioneer in this utterly amazing non-fiction title, chronicling some of the most amazing adventures on the planet - and beyond the planet.

"Incredible Journeys" by Levison Wood and Sam Brewster begins with the true pioneers of the land and ocean, and the many perilous journeys undertaken by explorers throughout history.

20 different expeditions are gathered together in this luxurious and gorgeous tome, from the opening of trade routes between east and west, and the infamous Silk Road, through to the medieval pilgrimages and early explorers who sought to circumnavigate the world in rickety ships.

More recent expectitions are also detailed, including a trip to the moon and a deep, deep dive in the Mariana Trench.

Renowned expert explorer Levison Wood also shares insights into adventuring, sharing experiences of tracing the routes of ancient explorers like Marco Polo and Alexander the great.

Let's take a look inside this fabulous book:

Filled with stunning maps and tons of facts to pique young explorers' interest
There's so much to see and learn in this book, brilliant for school projects but also just so good to flick through at your leisure at home too.

Ruling the skies, one mighty girl!
We particularly loved the page spread on the moon landings, of course!

One small step...!
Sum this book up in a sentence: A fabulous book of amazing journeys that kids will want to dip into and refer to time and time again.

"Incredible Journeys" by Levison Wood and Sam Brewster is out now, published by Wren and Rook (kindly supplied for review).