Friday, 2 August 2019

ReadItDaddy's Second Book of the Week - Week Ending 2nd August 2019: "How to Think when you Draw Volume 2" by The Etherington Brothers (Self Published)

How do they do it? Those fabulous furry Etherington Brothers? I mean how on earth do they put together such amazing content on their blog, on Twitter, on DeviantArt and on Instagram?

 Both Lorenzo and Robin's tutes have become a mainstay for both of us - Me, because I just can't resist drawing hot dog / snack vans / daft vehicles and C because she still holds out hope that one day Lorenzo will put together the perfect kitten-drawing tutorial (C'mon dude, make it happen! We believe in you!)

In the meantime though, in this week's second Book of the Week "How to Think when you Draw volume 2" you'll find another colossal collection of diverse drawing tutes and prompts, ranging from awesome character creation tutorials through to my new fave topic, environmental and background subjects. After all, what's a perfectly drawn character without a drawn world to live in?

As ever, Lorenzo's sense of humour and stylish but sensible guidelines are absolutely perfect, but above all the reasons Lorenzo had for creating these books, and all the thousands and thousands of tutorials is a good solid reason - if you get everyone drawing and creating, then the whole world's surely going to be a far better place for all us creative types.

Let's have a look at a couple of sample tutes from the book:

Wow, you got a mouth on you, buddy!
Composition is key to a perfect pic!
Look up, look down, look all around!
These books are becoming nigh-on essential purchases each time a new collected volume comes out, and although you can get all of their fabulous tutes for free (FREE FOR GOODNESS SAKE) show 'em some love by joining one of their kickstarters and you really won't be disappointed. One polite request though, a 'writers only' book from Robin? Would that be a thing at some point in the future because dang that would rock!

Sum this book up in a sentence: Another mammoth collection of truly amazing art tutorials that will really get your grey matter working more creatively.

"How to Think when you Draw Volume 2" by The Etherington Brothers is out now, self published (self purchased, kindly supplied for review).