Thursday 7 October 2010
It's the Bear!
It's the Bear!
Written and Illustrated by Jez Alborough
I'm never quite sure whether this book is attempting to be slightly scary, or whether it's just trying to show that parents who don't listen to or pay attention to their kids could come to a sticky end. Either way, Jez Alborough's books are a delight (you've probably seen his cute chimpanzees in books like "YES!" or "HUG!".
Here, a wee lad called Eddy constantly warns his mum (who looks bizarrely like Sarah Beeny from the property telly shows) about the bear that lives in the wood. Ignoring his pleas, Mum soon finds out that children should be listened to, particularly where bears are concerned.
Charlotte's best bit: Eddy peeping out of the picnic basket just before being sat on by the bear.
Daddy's favourite bit: Mmm! Blueberry pie!
Rating: 3 out of 5