Tuesday, 10 April 2012

The Boy who Lost his Bellybutton

Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross are as close as you can get to being Children's Book 'Royalty', in that seemingly everything they turn their hand to is an outstanding success, but I have to admit I'd never heard of "The Boy who Lost his Bellybutton" until it fetched up at our local library. As soon as I read out the title to Charlotte, she wanted this book in her stack and it's easy to see why. It's cheeky, it's charming and if you're an adult it's extremely difficult to read with a straight face (in fact if anyone comes into the room half way through you reading it aloud, and hasn't heard what you're referring to, they could REALLY take things the wrong way. You'll see what I mean!)

A young boy misplaces his bellybutton. It's easily done, mine's been lost for years (or as my wife would probably point out, filled with fluff for years). The boy takes to the jungle to hunt for his beloved navel, and finds it in a very strange place.

Great animal antics, and more than an element of tongue in cheek for adults to snigger at, The Boy Who Lost his Bellybutton is an excellent read and as ever, Tony Ross can do no wrong in the illustrative stakes. Thoroughly recommended.

Charlotte's best bit - The gorilla belly button

Daddy's favourite bit - trying to keep a straight face while reading out the middle few pages.

Rating - 4 out of 5 stars