Thursday, 9 January 2014
Winston Was Worried by Pamela Duncan Edwards and Benji Davies (Macmillan Children's Books)
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January 09, 2014
Benji Davies,
Macmillan Children's Books,
Pamela Duncan Edwards,
Winston Was Worried

Winston Was Worried
Written by Pamela Duncan Edwards
Illustrated by Benji Davies
Published by Macmillan Children's Books
I can only imagine what it must feel like when you're an author, and publishers link you up with one of the best children's book illustrators in the business to work on your new book. It must be a double edged sword, feeling that your story will get a fabulous visual treatment but then perhaps also feeling that your story will only be remembered for its fantastic art.
Luckily this is not the case with Pamela Duncan Edwards' "Winston Was Worried", which is a fantastic little story about a worry-wort dog who feels like he's the only doggie in the world that unfortunate things happen to. Benji ("Storm Whale") Davies is at the top of his game, and the book is glorious to look at but the story is funny, beautifully written and with plenty of neat twists along the way to make it a read-aloud favourite.
Winston injures his paw one day, and can't wait to tell his tale of woe to anyone he meets as he limps to the vet. Lovable Winston is completely oblivious to the fact that his accident prone friends are probably far worse off than he is though, so hilarity ensues as Winston seeks medical attention, meeting various other dogs along the way (including a Book-Sniffer-esque pug that is as cute as a button!)
Slickly told with an extremely brilliant last panel as Winston finally reaches his destination, with a surprise in store. Benji's brilliant doggie sketching in the end papers and throughout the book complete a fabulous woof-tastic package that's sure to be a big hit with children of all ages.
Charlotte's best bit: A sore paw is one thing. Ending up in the back of a dustbin lorry is something else! Owch!
Daddy's Favourite bit: Just love Benji's 'doggy' expressions and Pamela's fantastic flowing story. Wonderful!